a line of sand is a valley a broken slope a sort of falling apart - it is Hadrian's Wall a floor in a tower that is crumbling the gently worn stairs into the dungeon
a line of sand is where the water ends up - the sound of tearing fabric - it is the breaking of waves across the bow of a sunken ship
someone said that Titanic sinking was faked that it was for insurance that the nameplates had been swapped with the Olympia and that the whole thing went south and people died
someone else said that there is a cruise ship called the Millennium that has wood panels from the Olympic in one of its restaurants
a line of sand is also a scar a memory a thing that occurred and could occur again but not in this exact way
could you imagine eating in the ghost of the Titanic - walk to the fireplace in the White Swan Hotel in Alnwick and light a damn fire
the pieces of glass recovered from the floor of the Atlantic are revelations of death
a line of sand is a finger through remnants of bone
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