How does evolution
Here the pin prick -
The drop of electric wires
on your chest
A stew of self bubbling away
You want to eggwhite it
but it's not even true
There is a vanilla here
The pus of it
I cannot swim but look at this go
30 November 2016
Poem-A-Day #275 : Cum
poem-a-day 2.0,
very gay
29 November 2016
Poem-A-Day #274 : To a Friend Whose Work Has Come to Nothing (after W. B. Yeats)
To a Friend Whose Work Has Come to Nothing (after W. B. Yeats)
Couch yourself in the comfort of stone
the broken seal, the mouth of earth
and let your heart be hard, let your tears
be gold streaming across your worth
You hear the calls to dismantle even bone
the flag waving in the night, a hearth
breaking like Alexandria across the world
allow your words to unfold engulf give birth
To a moment where you renew, arise
there is not hopelessness in defeat laid prone
the rut you call home will expand, cocoon
your throat will give new life yet, defeat will atone
Yeats' poem:
To a Friend Whose Work Has Come to Nothing
Now all the truth is out,
Be secret and take defeat
From any brazen throat,
For how can you compete,
Being honor bred, with one
Who were it proved he lies
Were neither shamed in his own
Nor in his neighbors' eyes;
Bred to a harder thing
Than Triumph, turn away
And like a laughing string
Whereon mad fingers play
Amid a place of stone,
Be secret and exult,
Because of all things known
That is most difficult.
Couch yourself in the comfort of stone
the broken seal, the mouth of earth
and let your heart be hard, let your tears
be gold streaming across your worth
You hear the calls to dismantle even bone
the flag waving in the night, a hearth
breaking like Alexandria across the world
allow your words to unfold engulf give birth
To a moment where you renew, arise
there is not hopelessness in defeat laid prone
the rut you call home will expand, cocoon
your throat will give new life yet, defeat will atone
Yeats' poem:
To a Friend Whose Work Has Come to Nothing
Now all the truth is out,
Be secret and take defeat
From any brazen throat,
For how can you compete,
Being honor bred, with one
Who were it proved he lies
Were neither shamed in his own
Nor in his neighbors' eyes;
Bred to a harder thing
Than Triumph, turn away
And like a laughing string
Whereon mad fingers play
Amid a place of stone,
Be secret and exult,
Because of all things known
That is most difficult.
28 November 2016
Poem-A-Day #273 : Myth of the Mother Virgin
Myth of the Mother Virgin
I want to talk about bare arms - the pull of gravity on a mother's arms - the feeling of the flesh and the darkness of stretch marks
How shamed we make them - these arms
I want to take your hand and tell you that I abhor your politics and your husband but your choices are your own
I am tired of hypocrisy in all forms - Melania - I want to talk about the fact that you wore an identical dress to the one that Michelle Obama was shamed for - the one her arms hung out of - and you sat and talked to her and we both know she noticed
Your body is identical to this one - we cannot accept that we share parts with the ones we hate
I look at my arms in the cold light of late November and I see that I am ugly
I am certain that you have looked in mirrors and felt this
Certain that you have made yourself a golden nest and that the universe is appalled that it hasn't been so lucky
What do shamed arms look like
They are covering themselves - they do not allow the hang to show - they pretend that nipples are the color of cotton candy and the size of dimes - they imply that labia is to be only seen when it is sexual
Shamed arms are unable to carry the weight of much
They find the black and white photos of history and color them in acid colors
I feel for your nudity - I worry it - the universe has discovered that breasts exist and that even the most visible of women might have bared hers for money
And it has recoiled - retreated into the arms of childhood - wandered into the woods and retreated into the forts they built themselves - Get Rid Of Slimy GirlS
There is a pile of snowballs - a sort of pitchfork in the gut
I want to talk about bare arms - the pull of gravity on a mother's arms - the feeling of the flesh and the darkness of stretch marks
How shamed we make them - these arms
I want to take your hand and tell you that I abhor your politics and your husband but your choices are your own
I am tired of hypocrisy in all forms - Melania - I want to talk about the fact that you wore an identical dress to the one that Michelle Obama was shamed for - the one her arms hung out of - and you sat and talked to her and we both know she noticed
Your body is identical to this one - we cannot accept that we share parts with the ones we hate
I look at my arms in the cold light of late November and I see that I am ugly
I am certain that you have looked in mirrors and felt this
Certain that you have made yourself a golden nest and that the universe is appalled that it hasn't been so lucky
What do shamed arms look like
They are covering themselves - they do not allow the hang to show - they pretend that nipples are the color of cotton candy and the size of dimes - they imply that labia is to be only seen when it is sexual
Shamed arms are unable to carry the weight of much
They find the black and white photos of history and color them in acid colors
I feel for your nudity - I worry it - the universe has discovered that breasts exist and that even the most visible of women might have bared hers for money
And it has recoiled - retreated into the arms of childhood - wandered into the woods and retreated into the forts they built themselves - Get Rid Of Slimy GirlS
There is a pile of snowballs - a sort of pitchfork in the gut
Calvin and Hobbes,
Melania Trump,
Michelle Obama,
poem-a-day 2.0,
27 November 2016
Poem-A-Day #272 : On the First Hold the Collar Close to Your Neck Night
On the First Hold the Collar Close to Your Neck Night
The sound of train tracks cooling is a baking sheet in the oven clang
These are house noises - the world
is a house making noises - the cooling
is the world making house
The pie was delicious
at least everyone said so
why is it so hard to believe those sorts of statements
conditioning - because - praise is ego and ego is inflatable
And no one can float on it alone
The oven cools it has a stone in its belly and the stone is blackened
On the first hold the collar close to your neck night the world sighed deeply and said that the years are getting harder to come back from
It closed up itself
curtains and all the doors
were resealed this autumn the windows leak still but...
Picture a train track popping - the back
of it breaking and curling upwards into the dark sky
It shatters into ravens and they
shatter into a rain of snow hard as glass
glinting like fresh asphalt
The sound of train tracks cooling is a baking sheet in the oven clang
These are house noises - the world
is a house making noises - the cooling
is the world making house
The pie was delicious
at least everyone said so
why is it so hard to believe those sorts of statements
conditioning - because - praise is ego and ego is inflatable
And no one can float on it alone
The oven cools it has a stone in its belly and the stone is blackened
On the first hold the collar close to your neck night the world sighed deeply and said that the years are getting harder to come back from
It closed up itself
curtains and all the doors
were resealed this autumn the windows leak still but...
Picture a train track popping - the back
of it breaking and curling upwards into the dark sky
It shatters into ravens and they
shatter into a rain of snow hard as glass
glinting like fresh asphalt
![]() |
Jacobin Pigeon |
first cold,
poem-a-day 2.0,
Poem-A-Day #271 : My Trouble With People
My Trouble With People
There is
the sense that
we can only hold so much
The image of a sunset that one time in France when there were donkeys braying in the distance and the sunflowers caught the gold-ness and leaned themselves toward the nuclear power plant while the sound of dinner being cooked drifted up the stairs
That house had no windows just the thin aging wood of shutters and the cool plaster of the walls it was white with it it was beading cold sweat with it there was the smell of a wood pile everywhere and the hills around the place felt like lazy cast aside blankets
What memory
was erased
by this
At the grocery store we are standing next to each other by the frozen bags of vegetables they are candy-colored and delicious the bags make ridiculous promises about life lived inside these bags there are giants here
I do not notice that I know you and you seem to be breathing in my inattention which clouds the space like a mountain top like snow storms like the exhale after a cigarette you turn and I turn and your eyes flash at me like headlights on a curve at night
Perhaps erased is wrong
it implies accident
when a finger must press delete
There is
the sense that
we can only hold so much
The image of a sunset that one time in France when there were donkeys braying in the distance and the sunflowers caught the gold-ness and leaned themselves toward the nuclear power plant while the sound of dinner being cooked drifted up the stairs
That house had no windows just the thin aging wood of shutters and the cool plaster of the walls it was white with it it was beading cold sweat with it there was the smell of a wood pile everywhere and the hills around the place felt like lazy cast aside blankets
What memory
was erased
by this
At the grocery store we are standing next to each other by the frozen bags of vegetables they are candy-colored and delicious the bags make ridiculous promises about life lived inside these bags there are giants here
I do not notice that I know you and you seem to be breathing in my inattention which clouds the space like a mountain top like snow storms like the exhale after a cigarette you turn and I turn and your eyes flash at me like headlights on a curve at night
Perhaps erased is wrong
it implies accident
when a finger must press delete
26 November 2016
Poem-A-Day #270 : The James Ossuary
The James Ossuary
Draw a circle on the blackboard :
Circles are more difficult than you think - they deceive
find ways to flatten under your hand :
Make an ouroboros line of salt eating itself :
Lot's wife turns her head to look back at the burning bed of Gomorrah - it is the moment in the movie where the score drops out and the silence hangs there like wool drying in the sun :
If you could step into the chalkboard - into the circle with the flat side you have drawn -
you would be standing on a chalkboard in a classroom -
looking insane -
defying gravity :
Chalk is the compressed shell of history :
The ocean's dream of itself :
Darkness bleached of its inky crush :
How does the weightlessness feel in your hand - I remember
slapping the felt erasers
against each other
until the cloud of dead things welled around me - there
is a feeling of erasing the self a sort of tossing of a smoke bomb - you are Batman
making your escape
in their blindness
bullets will not find soft places to press :
It was a reward - the erasing :
The chalk box had James in it :
And I don't know what that means - he is not here now :
You find a box in a field and it is stained with the brown of dirt and the red of iron and the holes along its surface are oddly beautiful :
Inside the box are the bones :
I dreamt about removing my skeleton again
this time we refused to go grocery shopping
it was Black Friday it was Boxing Day it was the 4th of July -
we sat in our -
- pajamas - we watched episodes of The Simpsons
and then I woke up :
The box that James was in - sits in front of you - it has been litigated
declared fake - the very idea - !
The issue is that is is historic evidence for Jesus - the inscription :
Ya'akov bar-Yosef akhui diYeshua
James, son of Joseph, brother of Jesus :
It is another scene in a movie where the sound drops out - unless
it's that kind of movie
where heavy strings rise up out of the darkness around us
telling us that this is now :
is now :
How goes the circle - the standing against it
the pausing of physics :
The box is compressed history - your hand
compressing itself - is also a history
You realize that blackboard chalk hasn't been made from chalk for decades - the piece in your hand is made of gypsum -
from the Greek - gypsos
when burnt and rehydrated it can be used as plaster
it can build - it is drywall :
The room around you is a box of chalk :
Draw a circle on the blackboard :
Circles are more difficult than you think - they deceive
find ways to flatten under your hand :
Make an ouroboros line of salt eating itself :
Lot's wife turns her head to look back at the burning bed of Gomorrah - it is the moment in the movie where the score drops out and the silence hangs there like wool drying in the sun :
If you could step into the chalkboard - into the circle with the flat side you have drawn -
you would be standing on a chalkboard in a classroom -
looking insane -
defying gravity :
Chalk is the compressed shell of history :
The ocean's dream of itself :
Darkness bleached of its inky crush :
How does the weightlessness feel in your hand - I remember
slapping the felt erasers
against each other
until the cloud of dead things welled around me - there
is a feeling of erasing the self a sort of tossing of a smoke bomb - you are Batman
making your escape
in their blindness
bullets will not find soft places to press :
It was a reward - the erasing :
The chalk box had James in it :
And I don't know what that means - he is not here now :
You find a box in a field and it is stained with the brown of dirt and the red of iron and the holes along its surface are oddly beautiful :
Inside the box are the bones :
I dreamt about removing my skeleton again
this time we refused to go grocery shopping
it was Black Friday it was Boxing Day it was the 4th of July -
we sat in our -
- pajamas - we watched episodes of The Simpsons
and then I woke up :
The box that James was in - sits in front of you - it has been litigated
declared fake - the very idea - !
The issue is that is is historic evidence for Jesus - the inscription :
Ya'akov bar-Yosef akhui diYeshua
James, son of Joseph, brother of Jesus :
It is another scene in a movie where the sound drops out - unless
it's that kind of movie
where heavy strings rise up out of the darkness around us
telling us that this is now :
is now :
How goes the circle - the standing against it
the pausing of physics :
The box is compressed history - your hand
compressing itself - is also a history
You realize that blackboard chalk hasn't been made from chalk for decades - the piece in your hand is made of gypsum -
from the Greek - gypsos
when burnt and rehydrated it can be used as plaster
it can build - it is drywall :
The room around you is a box of chalk :
![]() |
The James Ossuary |
circular thinking,
poem-a-day 2.0,
25 November 2016
Poem-A-Day #269 : Your Fandom Is Not Helping Us Live
Your Fandom Is Not Helping Us Live
At the edge of the cliff - a seance is forming
The sound of humming is as loud as the wind rolling int he canyon below
There are plenty of words that could be used here - Trump Clinton environmental collapse America - that could be used to convey concern or mood or tone -
At 1:00 in the morning the post on Facebook seems like a letter from the end of everything
It talks about rowsing the Hufflepuffs and casting some bullshit to fix the world
There is the impulse to post a response asking if the parents of these children know they are awake on a school night - but this is a college communities page and it's a Friday
I believe in magic
This isn't about your hopes and dreams
But this is not real - the swirl on the screen and page are imagination - and I know that I sound condescending right now but it's hard not to when you seem to think that there could be a room larger on the inside and that using the word 'cast' instead of 'pray' is worth something
Is this the start of a religion - I see the roots in it - in some weird future the Books of Potter will be debated for what is and is not canon - will there be factions that stand on either side of the Dumbledore queerness debate
I'm making light of this
Because it's deadly serious - fantasy will not save the world from destruction
We stand on the edge of a cliff and there is very real erosion happening beneath us
And we are thinking about levitating when the time comes - not taking a step backwards
At the edge of the cliff - a seance is forming
The sound of humming is as loud as the wind rolling int he canyon below
There are plenty of words that could be used here - Trump Clinton environmental collapse America - that could be used to convey concern or mood or tone -
At 1:00 in the morning the post on Facebook seems like a letter from the end of everything
It talks about rowsing the Hufflepuffs and casting some bullshit to fix the world
There is the impulse to post a response asking if the parents of these children know they are awake on a school night - but this is a college communities page and it's a Friday
I believe in magic
This isn't about your hopes and dreams
But this is not real - the swirl on the screen and page are imagination - and I know that I sound condescending right now but it's hard not to when you seem to think that there could be a room larger on the inside and that using the word 'cast' instead of 'pray' is worth something
Is this the start of a religion - I see the roots in it - in some weird future the Books of Potter will be debated for what is and is not canon - will there be factions that stand on either side of the Dumbledore queerness debate
I'm making light of this
Because it's deadly serious - fantasy will not save the world from destruction
We stand on the edge of a cliff and there is very real erosion happening beneath us
And we are thinking about levitating when the time comes - not taking a step backwards
23 November 2016
Poem-A-Day #268 : Floor
We dance like we've seen everything :
The light channels the look of venetian blinds - 80s music videos :
There is an inexplicable horse :
There is a child walking along the road - she is 6ish - she is alone - there is a baby carriage yards behind her - she is tired of this shit and is heading for the train tracks :
I am tired of being told everything will be alright :
An endless consumption - the lights are on then off and the sound of music is a thrum on your sternum - a broken pen pressed into your trachea - blowing your neck like a balloon - you collapse in the waves of time coming off the 4 on the floor :
There is a need for semicolon :
The ability to hinge :
Trains run on time - half the time they clack until they hit the bends - the other half they wonder why the sound dropped out - there is a sense that everything is conscious - that the world is not a cold dead thing - but the yet that hangs on the end of that is where the beat drops and the room goes dark :
We dance like we've seen everything :
The light channels the look of venetian blinds - 80s music videos :
There is an inexplicable horse :
There is a child walking along the road - she is 6ish - she is alone - there is a baby carriage yards behind her - she is tired of this shit and is heading for the train tracks :
I am tired of being told everything will be alright :
An endless consumption - the lights are on then off and the sound of music is a thrum on your sternum - a broken pen pressed into your trachea - blowing your neck like a balloon - you collapse in the waves of time coming off the 4 on the floor :
There is a need for semicolon :
The ability to hinge :
Trains run on time - half the time they clack until they hit the bends - the other half they wonder why the sound dropped out - there is a sense that everything is conscious - that the world is not a cold dead thing - but the yet that hangs on the end of that is where the beat drops and the room goes dark :
poem-a-day 2.0,
22 November 2016
Poem-A-Day #267 : Comfort Food
Comfort Food
I need quiche
Lardons - cheese - I need fats - my body needs them
craves the deepening that comes with it
This is a comfort thing
A coming on of winter thing
But its a cyclical thing as well - I taste the ozone and it is snow-filled - the fireplaces are puffing pinon and there are Christmases going up all over
And I need an armor against it
One that a walk in the woods will not fix
That singing Beyonce on repeat will not fix
Today in my class a student began to cry while talking about codified hate and on CNN they literally asked if Jews were people and I want to start fires
But I will quiche
Not because I am running
Because I need the fats - cheese - lardons
I crave the deepening that will surely come as the tart rises and bakes - as the custard forms itself around the bits of bacon - I need the baking
Someone said that the codified hate would metastasize and congeal
The fats of it would become a solid in our system
And I am already tired of feeling this way and I know that everyone is tired of feeling this way and that generations of people are tired of feeling this way
I watch the sky for signs of storm
My car isn't ready - I'm not ready - no one is ready
I need quiche
Lardons - cheese - I need fats - my body needs them
craves the deepening that comes with it
This is a comfort thing
A coming on of winter thing
But its a cyclical thing as well - I taste the ozone and it is snow-filled - the fireplaces are puffing pinon and there are Christmases going up all over
And I need an armor against it
One that a walk in the woods will not fix
That singing Beyonce on repeat will not fix
Today in my class a student began to cry while talking about codified hate and on CNN they literally asked if Jews were people and I want to start fires
But I will quiche
Not because I am running
Because I need the fats - cheese - lardons
I crave the deepening that will surely come as the tart rises and bakes - as the custard forms itself around the bits of bacon - I need the baking
Someone said that the codified hate would metastasize and congeal
The fats of it would become a solid in our system
And I am already tired of feeling this way and I know that everyone is tired of feeling this way and that generations of people are tired of feeling this way
I watch the sky for signs of storm
My car isn't ready - I'm not ready - no one is ready
facing down the evils of the world,
poem-a-day 2.0,
21 November 2016
Poem-A-Day #266 : Highway at Night
Highway at Night
Curving sounds
green in their echo
There is evidence that everything will not be fine
It moves
in that moving it settles like salad dressing
and the curve is a spoon
How sound curves
enters the canyon
of your ear
settles there sets up home erupts
The drum
a sort of rainstorm
Sound of snow
Volcanoes of color becoming solid objects in a field
a herd of rams waiting under electric lines
Curving sounds
green in their echo
There is evidence that everything will not be fine
It moves
in that moving it settles like salad dressing
and the curve is a spoon
How sound curves
enters the canyon
of your ear
settles there sets up home erupts
The drum
a sort of rainstorm
Sound of snow
Volcanoes of color becoming solid objects in a field
a herd of rams waiting under electric lines
20 November 2016
Poem-A-Day #265 : The Latest Poem About Violence That I Have Written
The Latest Poem About Violence That I Have Written
I often think about Matthew Shepard
and what the last thing he heard was
and I hope it was a bird or
wind in the leaves
Not the sound of his own skull
cracking like an egg
on the side of a bowl
But deep down I know that was what he heard - engulfing
the sound of bone becoming soft - islands drifting int he ocean of brain
and then becoming nothing
And I fear that sound
I sleep restless with that sound
I dream endlessly of that sound
I hope - at least - that he could see the stars
I often think about Matthew Shepard
and what the last thing he heard was
and I hope it was a bird or
wind in the leaves
Not the sound of his own skull
cracking like an egg
on the side of a bowl
But deep down I know that was what he heard - engulfing
the sound of bone becoming soft - islands drifting int he ocean of brain
and then becoming nothing
And I fear that sound
I sleep restless with that sound
I dream endlessly of that sound
I hope - at least - that he could see the stars
19 November 2016
Poem-A-Day #264 : Unrest
Wake and the arm is cold again - outside the blankets
like it wants to escape the comfort
The arm wants to tell you something - you were sleeping and it has a message for you
There are marks along the skin - birth and otherwise
notice how uneven the color and the veins are so visible in the darkness
The sound of celery breaking
Knees collapsing on pavement and the glitter of light on everything
The arm wants you to remember fear and agency
The arm wants to sweat with you
there is the sound of a siren - it is the sound of all sirens - the room fills then empties of it
A moment before the most beautiful dream ever forgot - it lingers pinkly in the haze of the brain - calls in sing-song that it should be returned to
This arm has thoughts of going through the window - it cannot understand how one sleeps in troubled times like these - there should be blood on the steps of the capitol
Blood is hard to clean
If it is forced under the covers to warmth - the arm will form itself into a mouth and begin to whisper all the promises that have been broken
If it stays in the cold it will purple - possibly loose itself and never come back
Wake and the arm is cold again - outside the blankets
like it wants to escape the comfort
The arm wants to tell you something - you were sleeping and it has a message for you
There are marks along the skin - birth and otherwise
notice how uneven the color and the veins are so visible in the darkness
The sound of celery breaking
Knees collapsing on pavement and the glitter of light on everything
The arm wants you to remember fear and agency
there is the sound of a siren - it is the sound of all sirens - the room fills then empties of it
A moment before the most beautiful dream ever forgot - it lingers pinkly in the haze of the brain - calls in sing-song that it should be returned to
This arm has thoughts of going through the window - it cannot understand how one sleeps in troubled times like these - there should be blood on the steps of the capitol
Blood is hard to clean
If it is forced under the covers to warmth - the arm will form itself into a mouth and begin to whisper all the promises that have been broken
If it stays in the cold it will purple - possibly loose itself and never come back
poem-a-day 2.0,
Poem-A-Day #263 : But It Is Response
But It Is Response
I'm letting the aloes die
This isn't a sane response to winter - but it is response
so that's something
Last night the wind was strong enough to strip the adobe from the patio ceiling - the bare concrete is stained with white - patterns want to form there but manage only to look like patterns
When the pots were broken - I broke the pots - the earth inside was infested with flies and I watched them struggle in their new found freedom
No one actually expects patterns to form - the world already has its order and it won't conform to ours - but the idea that pattern does happen is nice
I felt the idea - nature abhors chaos - and it rolled in the back of my mouth like phlegm
You throw the shards of terracotta into the air and they all land in a circle with the sharpened points inward - they make a strange portal
I'm letting the aloes die
This isn't a sane response to winter - but it is response
so that's something
Last night the wind was strong enough to strip the adobe from the patio ceiling - the bare concrete is stained with white - patterns want to form there but manage only to look like patterns
When the pots were broken - I broke the pots - the earth inside was infested with flies and I watched them struggle in their new found freedom
No one actually expects patterns to form - the world already has its order and it won't conform to ours - but the idea that pattern does happen is nice
I felt the idea - nature abhors chaos - and it rolled in the back of my mouth like phlegm
You throw the shards of terracotta into the air and they all land in a circle with the sharpened points inward - they make a strange portal
poem-a-day 2.0,
17 November 2016
Poem-A-Day #262 : Notes on Ways to Get Through Life
Notes on Ways to Get Through Life
Take the Werner Herzog transcript and erase until poetry
Allow the wind to seal the shredding roofing
Sink the tubers until the petrify
Take the Werner Herzog transcript and erase until poetry
Allow the wind to seal the shredding roofing
Sink the tubers until the petrify
poem-a-day 2.0,
werner herzog,
Poem-A-Day #261 : Insecurity
The ashes smear across the windshield
a sort of dark rain
coal as performance
The ashes smear across the windshield
a sort of dark rain
coal as performance
15 November 2016
Poem-A-Day #260 : Fellfield
We erode -
The computer was no longer working - it was big - it was out of date - we threw it into the dumpster after trying for a week to find somewhere to donate it to
for parts - education - whatever
the sound of the screen breaking was the sound of ice cracking in glass of scotch - sharp - you could picture the crack across the thick gray surface - could feel the crack with your fingernail
Eventually all mountains turn into scree -
The pile of weathered glass looks like marbles - it feels like marbles - like an oddly smooth skin
colorful skin - breaking skin - the remnants of oceans
why do we come here - why do we roll around in these piles of glass what good does it do to stare into the compactor - the dump is not a place for us we are attempting to not be trash
The rubble will hold -
The broken computer still houses the memories of what it was - if there were a way to turn it on it would still window itself would probably even bring up the last file
like a basement in flood - the molding folder would open with a resounding crack
inside a map of what once was - topographical and emotional - green and fading and barely legible - it would smell like moths - you could plant it in the ground and it would grow another mountain
14 November 2016
Poem-A-Day #259 : Lucy Looks into a Wardrobe
This is an erasure of the first chapter of The Lion, The Witch, and the Wardrobe. I'm not entirely sure it works. But here it is.
Lucy Looks into a Wardrobe
something happened
the war
There were children
sent away
of the country
The odd
trying to talk like mother
We've fallen and no mistake
won't hear us
Doors empty
beginning to feel
an owl
falling so thick
Quite empty the
dead blue window
always expecting
Cold queer
other light
Lucy Looks into a Wardrobe
something happened
the war
There were children
sent away
of the country
The odd
trying to talk like mother
We've fallen and no mistake
won't hear us
Doors empty
beginning to feel
an owl
falling so thick
Quite empty the
dead blue window
always expecting
Cold queer
other light
C S Lewis,
found poem,
poem-a-day 2.0,
13 November 2016
Poem-A-Day #258 : Species Complex
Species Complex
There a body
orange black under sodium-vapor light
Eyes a void
don't look in the void
What colors the body
in day
The butterfly
lands on the drying plant
It is November why is this thing living
Wings fold unfold
scales are enormous eyes
that move
like snakes entering narrow spaces
They are liquid
The impulse to bathe in the copper wetness is unbearable
It is easy to say - we are all the same - without enacting it
Language is a seed
it will sit dumbly on the pavement until watered
Language is a turbine without water
a magnet
coiled in copper wire
left to collect dust
Feel the sound of water through the tunnels of the dam
The turbines long to be harnessed to it - they rub themselves raw
in this longing
Sound of buzzing
The body
yellowed - like paper - always everything reduced to paper
There is a thing in that
a sort of comment on ledgers and graphs and the way our lives are grid-ed
On every corner a lamp destroys the color of the world
Sepias the entirety
The body and the other body
every body
Jaundices - lands on the dying milkweed
growing between the sidewalk joins
Corrects pitch until in line with the light
There a body
orange black under sodium-vapor light
Eyes a void
don't look in the void
What colors the body
in day
The butterfly
lands on the drying plant
It is November why is this thing living
Wings fold unfold
scales are enormous eyes
that move
like snakes entering narrow spaces
They are liquid
The impulse to bathe in the copper wetness is unbearable
It is easy to say - we are all the same - without enacting it
Language is a seed
it will sit dumbly on the pavement until watered
Language is a turbine without water
a magnet
coiled in copper wire
left to collect dust
Feel the sound of water through the tunnels of the dam
The turbines long to be harnessed to it - they rub themselves raw
in this longing
Sound of buzzing
The body
yellowed - like paper - always everything reduced to paper
There is a thing in that
a sort of comment on ledgers and graphs and the way our lives are grid-ed
On every corner a lamp destroys the color of the world
Sepias the entirety
The body and the other body
every body
Jaundices - lands on the dying milkweed
growing between the sidewalk joins
Corrects pitch until in line with the light
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Repeating Patterns of Mimicry (2006) Axel Meyer |
Axel Meyer,
poem-a-day 2.0,
species complex
Poem-A-Day #257 : November
Burnt skin is tight across fingers
the prints are shallow there is whiteness everywhere
At some point your self was erased and why didn't you notice it
The red in the wagon was a warning you could sit in it
pretend that you could steer it downhill how does chin feel on pavement
One morning you woke up and the birds wheeling in the sky didn't recognize the land
The two children hit each other with rebar it is November
the land is in the midst of its throes the mountain snows in
There are ravens in New Mexico they croak in the treetops they are alarm bells
Burnt skin is tight across fingers
the prints are shallow there is whiteness everywhere
At some point your self was erased and why didn't you notice it
The red in the wagon was a warning you could sit in it
pretend that you could steer it downhill how does chin feel on pavement
One morning you woke up and the birds wheeling in the sky didn't recognize the land
The two children hit each other with rebar it is November
the land is in the midst of its throes the mountain snows in
There are ravens in New Mexico they croak in the treetops they are alarm bells
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John J. Audubon - Birds of America (1827-1838) |
broken poem,
loose thoughts,
poem-a-day 2.0,
11 November 2016
Poem-A-Day #256 : Migraine
My head is a burning sigil -
Cloth in a bottle -
Words form and then spread across the page until they are a smear -
Listen to the broken vials of pain meds -
Light will shatter -
Pop all the vessels in the universe -
Cover and run from this -
My head is a burning sigil -
Cloth in a bottle -
Words form and then spread across the page until they are a smear -
Listen to the broken vials of pain meds -
Light will shatter -
Pop all the vessels in the universe -
Cover and run from this -
10 November 2016
Poem-A-Day #255 : Tired
In the face
the tired
Along the eyes mostly
A sort of indescribable thereness
a lake to stare at
A sort of attempt at mirror
Imperfect in its temper
Can the water be tired
from its journey
from its pulse to the surface
Think about those rocks it leeched
The minerals that it described
A finger pressed
into rocky flesh until it gives
In the face
the tired
Along the eyes mostly
A sort of indescribable thereness
a lake to stare at
A sort of attempt at mirror
Imperfect in its temper
Can the water be tired
from its journey
from its pulse to the surface
Think about those rocks it leeched
The minerals that it described
A finger pressed
into rocky flesh until it gives
09 November 2016
Poem-A-Day #254 : First Frost
First Frost
There is the moment when the night comes up to us and grabs our hands
It is not a threat but it feels like blood in the water - the tendons are always just about to kick - the fists are always clenching and unclenching there is a grinding sound under the skin - it is velvet but burned it smells like canned air - we are on fire together
Getting out of the car tonight may feel like a death - air escaping like prisoners fleeing labyrinthine hallways into the cold of everything
Above will be found the stars where they were left still silver in the blue expanse of space - Orion notching an arrow at the backs of the Pleides
The roof of the car beside mine was covered in frost - thin and translucent - I was urged by an unknown force to rake my finger across the surface - and I did
Fingers come away cold and wet and covered in light - the ink of winter seeping into the bones of autumn - around us the cars all twinkle it is a calm
There is a moment when night comes up and puts its hands to our throats
Not a threatening gesture - an honest one
The rasps of its nails speaking about the darkness within us - the heat of its eyes a cipher - night is a void filling with the answers to questions asked in daylight
At the top of the cycle there is death - at the bottom there is more
Somewhere in between is a sort of daylight - a moment where hope exists - where the growing isn't futile and it will not just end again
Fuck - it burns -
There is the moment when the night comes up to us and grabs our hands
It is not a threat but it feels like blood in the water - the tendons are always just about to kick - the fists are always clenching and unclenching there is a grinding sound under the skin - it is velvet but burned it smells like canned air - we are on fire together
Getting out of the car tonight may feel like a death - air escaping like prisoners fleeing labyrinthine hallways into the cold of everything
Above will be found the stars where they were left still silver in the blue expanse of space - Orion notching an arrow at the backs of the Pleides
The roof of the car beside mine was covered in frost - thin and translucent - I was urged by an unknown force to rake my finger across the surface - and I did
Fingers come away cold and wet and covered in light - the ink of winter seeping into the bones of autumn - around us the cars all twinkle it is a calm
There is a moment when night comes up and puts its hands to our throats
Not a threatening gesture - an honest one
The rasps of its nails speaking about the darkness within us - the heat of its eyes a cipher - night is a void filling with the answers to questions asked in daylight
At the top of the cycle there is death - at the bottom there is more
Somewhere in between is a sort of daylight - a moment where hope exists - where the growing isn't futile and it will not just end again
Fuck - it burns -
poem-a-day 2.0,
season change,
08 November 2016
Poem-A-Day #253 : Poem
I close my eyes as I walk down the hallway
Light reds the space - it oranges skin and pops along the carpet like sprouts coming up
I want to be free - the air does it - the light makes its way from the eye to the eye along the way it breaks for the hills - somehow free happens - somehow
Spread arms like skin coming away from a rabbit - heat in there - light - a paw on the end of a key chain
Spread arms like skin coming away from a rabbit - heat in there - light - a paw on the end of a key chain
07 November 2016
Poem-A-Day #252 : Vision vs. Sight
Vision vs. Sight
Tesla stands at the edge of the canyon - a glacial scar -
he imagines a hollow earth - he imagines taking the stones and setting them upright in a circle - he imagines mining his own salt - he imagines breeding pigeons - he imagines the lizards standing on their hind legs and talking to him -
You island you - Tesla finds a smooth stone and tosses it into the space between edges - a gulf of air that swallows endlessly and never exhales -
The stone skips across the surface - it does - seven times -
And it ripples the sunset just so - the colors merging into a matte brown - an orange cat sits at Tesla's feet - there is a breeze -
Tesla stands at the edge of the canyon - a glacial scar -
he imagines a hollow earth - he imagines taking the stones and setting them upright in a circle - he imagines mining his own salt - he imagines breeding pigeons - he imagines the lizards standing on their hind legs and talking to him -
You island you - Tesla finds a smooth stone and tosses it into the space between edges - a gulf of air that swallows endlessly and never exhales -
The stone skips across the surface - it does - seven times -
And it ripples the sunset just so - the colors merging into a matte brown - an orange cat sits at Tesla's feet - there is a breeze -
Nikola Tesla,
poem-a-day 2.0,
06 November 2016
Poem-A-Day #251 : A Series of Quakes
A Series of Quakes
The arboreal script pulls across the trunk of the tree
glacial - a sigh in the hills of Scotland - one lone rock in a rut
Out in the ocean - a puffin gives egg to rock
Weight is heat - press and brush fire - the movement of warming
a finger lick up the lip of canyon
Scotland is experiencing a cold snap - a few thousand years
The loneliest rock will dance - glacial kph is one per year -
human expansion clocks the same
We seek the bloodstones in the hazelnuts - burn them to paste
poem-a-day 2.0,
Poem-A-Day #250 : Re-See
Above - the moon - endlessly talked photographed landed upon - known to the point of boredom - even its rabbit has cleaned itself from the discussion
How does the change occur - the sudden shift in views - the magic of fire leading to space travel - how does the child mind say 'FUCK THAT'S AMAZING' in its current mood
It hovers - like a balloon - jaundiced and slow to blink - it mythologizes itself - collects the news clipping and will have to go to therapy to get its hoarding under control - the dark side of the moon is covered in cats and abandoned satellites
How does one re-see for the first time - the things in your hand - in a changing light they may become strangers - your own fingers are sausages in an overcast moment
Above - the moon - endlessly talked photographed landed upon - known to the point of boredom - even its rabbit has cleaned itself from the discussion
How does the change occur - the sudden shift in views - the magic of fire leading to space travel - how does the child mind say 'FUCK THAT'S AMAZING' in its current mood
It hovers - like a balloon - jaundiced and slow to blink - it mythologizes itself - collects the news clipping and will have to go to therapy to get its hoarding under control - the dark side of the moon is covered in cats and abandoned satellites
How does one re-see for the first time - the things in your hand - in a changing light they may become strangers - your own fingers are sausages in an overcast moment
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One of the first photographs of the moon Taken by John William Draper in 1840 |
full moon,
John William Draper,
poem-a-day 2.0,
04 November 2016
Poem-A-Day #249 : Nearku
I've invented a new poetry form. The Nearku. It's basically a very close haiku. So close you could mistake it.
There are no rules other than the second line must be longer in syllables than the first and last and the lines must come very close to the 5-7-5 form of a haiku.
The idea is that in nearing the old form, it reaches for perfection that can never be achieved.
The umbrella is spinning
In loose moorings - a rainbow movement
The world around us grays
There are no rules other than the second line must be longer in syllables than the first and last and the lines must come very close to the 5-7-5 form of a haiku.
The idea is that in nearing the old form, it reaches for perfection that can never be achieved.
The umbrella is spinning
In loose moorings - a rainbow movement
The world around us grays
poem-a-day 2.0,
Poem-A-Day #248 : Mute
Angela Davis is talking about Palestine - again - still - forever
she is the dynamo at the end of the universe
spinning wildly free of man - and she is talking about Palestine
That word - Palestine - it renders us incapable
it drops into the already formed puddle and only renders itself mute
part of the unknowable whole - but we clap and nod in agreement with it
It is Tibet - Putin - hunger in Africa - it is the inescapable
destruction of cancer - it mutates with the passage of time
it is hard not to hear all human voices as records helplessly in groove
History is nothing if not unclean - at best
perhaps the broken turntable is a metaphor - the stupid cycle is stupid
the needle dull - the speakers are geese demanding your sandwich
The water in the pool of Palestine is unclear - still - reflections numerous
there are endless ampersands - their barbs catch in the back of the throat
they render everything as ellipses
Angela Davis is talking about Palestine - again - still - forever
she is the dynamo at the end of the universe
spinning wildly free of man - and she is talking about Palestine
That word - Palestine - it renders us incapable
it drops into the already formed puddle and only renders itself mute
part of the unknowable whole - but we clap and nod in agreement with it
It is Tibet - Putin - hunger in Africa - it is the inescapable
destruction of cancer - it mutates with the passage of time
it is hard not to hear all human voices as records helplessly in groove
History is nothing if not unclean - at best
perhaps the broken turntable is a metaphor - the stupid cycle is stupid
the needle dull - the speakers are geese demanding your sandwich
The water in the pool of Palestine is unclear - still - reflections numerous
there are endless ampersands - their barbs catch in the back of the throat
they render everything as ellipses
angela davis,
poem-a-day 2.0,
story telling,
02 November 2016
Poem-A-Day #247 : Sartre Means Tailor
Sartre Means Tailor
The bag of a thing - it hangs like felt thickly and fort-like
draw the chalk lines across the dark surface - crimp it in
the drawstrings will pull will shear - the cliff face of a scissor will slice
The internet sends endless photos of cats - of politics with cats
politicians wrapped in cats - there are cats running for President
your one friend who likes dogs will have to be culled - blood let
Crimp the edges cleanly - find the matter in the matter
discard - this pile of left overs is a heap of could have
it is the hair on the brush - the egg cracked for breakfast - blooms in November
There could be a burn along the rough edge - fingers working
along the splitting fabrics the wools trying to resheep themselves
the sheep - for their part - care nothing of what was lost they are fine
There is no meaning here - the internet is a vast mirror in which
we constantly ask who the fairest is and constantly find only others
a shrink-wrapped bar of chocolate tastes only if we can imagine instagrams of it
Let's not Luddite on this - crimp the edges - find the chalk lines
eventually a jacket will appear - eventually it will fit form well enough
eventually it will be discarded for another slab of unform
Unform and unform this fine felt in lines of calcified thought
The internet has patterns for it - has plethora of them - has litte rboxes full
The bag of a thing - it hangs like felt thickly and fort-like
draw the chalk lines across the dark surface - crimp it in
the drawstrings will pull will shear - the cliff face of a scissor will slice
The internet sends endless photos of cats - of politics with cats
politicians wrapped in cats - there are cats running for President
your one friend who likes dogs will have to be culled - blood let
Crimp the edges cleanly - find the matter in the matter
discard - this pile of left overs is a heap of could have
it is the hair on the brush - the egg cracked for breakfast - blooms in November
There could be a burn along the rough edge - fingers working
along the splitting fabrics the wools trying to resheep themselves
the sheep - for their part - care nothing of what was lost they are fine
There is no meaning here - the internet is a vast mirror in which
we constantly ask who the fairest is and constantly find only others
a shrink-wrapped bar of chocolate tastes only if we can imagine instagrams of it
Let's not Luddite on this - crimp the edges - find the chalk lines
eventually a jacket will appear - eventually it will fit form well enough
eventually it will be discarded for another slab of unform
Unform and unform this fine felt in lines of calcified thought
The internet has patterns for it - has plethora of them - has litte rboxes full
01 November 2016
Poem-A-Day #246 : &
I have always found myself a bit obsessed with the Titanic. I've always found myself a bit obsessed with mass erasure in all forms. The idea that the dirt we walk on is sometimes the left over remains of those who came before. The glass we drink from is sad that was shell that was living somewhere at sea. That we can ressurrect them simply by noticing the origins... These things. Obsess me.
a line of sand is a valley a broken slope a sort of falling apart - it is Hadrian's Wall a floor in a tower that is crumbling the gently worn stairs into the dungeon
a line of sand is where the water ends up - the sound of tearing fabric - it is the breaking of waves across the bow of a sunken ship
someone said that Titanic sinking was faked that it was for insurance that the nameplates had been swapped with the Olympia and that the whole thing went south and people died
someone else said that there is a cruise ship called the Millennium that has wood panels from the Olympic in one of its restaurants
a line of sand is also a scar a memory a thing that occurred and could occur again but not in this exact way
could you imagine eating in the ghost of the Titanic - walk to the fireplace in the White Swan Hotel in Alnwick and light a damn fire
the pieces of glass recovered from the floor of the Atlantic are revelations of death
a line of sand is a finger through remnants of bone
a line of sand is a valley a broken slope a sort of falling apart - it is Hadrian's Wall a floor in a tower that is crumbling the gently worn stairs into the dungeon
a line of sand is where the water ends up - the sound of tearing fabric - it is the breaking of waves across the bow of a sunken ship
someone said that Titanic sinking was faked that it was for insurance that the nameplates had been swapped with the Olympia and that the whole thing went south and people died
someone else said that there is a cruise ship called the Millennium that has wood panels from the Olympic in one of its restaurants
a line of sand is also a scar a memory a thing that occurred and could occur again but not in this exact way
could you imagine eating in the ghost of the Titanic - walk to the fireplace in the White Swan Hotel in Alnwick and light a damn fire
the pieces of glass recovered from the floor of the Atlantic are revelations of death
a line of sand is a finger through remnants of bone
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