The Road
It's not so much that everything has been done
things are just the same as they've always been
man is man so...
I'm trying to be nice about this
but it's tiring to see people make claims about the breaking of the world
and not just sigh...
There is no road less travelled
just roads less defined
ambiguous meandering ambiguously
Here is a story: someone does some thing it doesn't matter what and someone looses their life savings as a result and in anger they pull a gun and the police come and there are more guns and how this ends is obvious to everyone even if it is shown that the thing done is terrible and the first person is at fault...
Perhaps molecules can only arrange themselves in so many ways
and maybe those arrangements can only interact in so many ways
and those interactions can only happen so often
And they burn out ?
to be replaced by ?
So here's that road
worn and clear of overgrowth the ruts of wheels deep
man is man so...
might as well...
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