15 January 2010


I realize that this was yesterdays. I went to two short plays at The Public Theater's Under The Radar Festival. It's less an excuse as it is more a trying to have a real life like a real boy once in awhile.

Monomode (1/14)

I don't want any money - I'm from New Orleans - HIV positive
My wife's name was _____ - she died just before Christmas - my little girl
needs food - they spit on us - I don't want any money
Can you buy a bottle of formula - I don't want money - I see you
are in a hurry -

The clouds are pink - he does this every day at this time - I've given
him $30 over the course of a year - maybe sometime - maybe in New Orleans
a wife died sometime around Christmas - maybe - his daughter
always needs formula - she has been a baby for three years - she must have
a birth defect - I am in a hurry -

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